
The future ain’t what it used to be…

I think I am a motivated and focused person… life-long learning and critical thinking have served me well throughout my career… 

TwitterHeadshotI have more than 30 years of experience creating and supporting solutions for companies of various sizes and in different industries – retail, sales, marketing, non-profit… 

I have had extensive success in generating ideas and creating solutions for countless organizational challenges throughout my career.  I also have the ability to identify the benefits of technology to solve business issues along with a proven record of profitability in entrepreneurial ventures. I like to share the experiences of my leadership, innovative problem solving, sales and marketing planning, team building and project management knowledge and skills.

I hope my curation provides some additional insight, as well as potential solutions, to the challenges that organizations face today. May some of what I find fascinating about today’s rapidly changing landscape help you to assess the value of your discovery, to find ways to utilize that information, and to apply it to your needs!!

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